Friday, 8 June 2007

Dreaming, dreaming...

Painting: Vladimir Kush

All men dream: but not equally.
Those who dream by night
in the dusty recesses of their minds
wake in the day to find that it was vanity:
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act their dream with open eyes,
to make it possible.
- T. E. Lawrence.

Sometimes things just seem to happen for no apparent reason.

A confluence of dreams, opportunities and reality.

Some of these recent things are: Margaret's brother being diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma - happily treatable but a wake up call on the reality of time and age; I finish honours this year and I certainly had envisaged going on to Masters or Doctorate but there is still time for that; Margaret finishes her diploma this year and would probably head off to find a job; the boys have either moved out or are old enough to look after themselves.

It means that 2008 is a time when we can both put things on hold and be relatively free.
It may not happen again for quite some time.

It gives us a great opportunity

So where to?

Obviously UK, Scotland and Northern Ireland are high up there so Margaret can visit her family. But if I am going to travel to the UK I want to value-add a bit. What say France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco? And if we did the Trans-Siberian railway we could visit Finland on the way through to the UK.

And I have this hankering for Uzbekistan....well, its second city, Samarkand to be exact. (Logistics are very hazy here).

A separate trip to Asia is possible with Vietnam, Malaysia and Burma looking interesting.

And thirdly, but possibly not finally, Western Australia. Perth and up to Broome and the Kimberleys and on to Darwin.

Yes, it is all a dream, and a very recent dream, at the moment.

Watch this space.


  1. Just do it..make your dreams come true! You can make this blog a travelblog..I'll be following all your steps from far..with envy! And we're waiting anxiously for you up here in Malaysia too..(I've imagined bringing you and Margaret to have a hearty Indian lunch with hot curry in a hot, hot day with my sis!)

  2. See you then Lee!
    Great picture, especially the clouds.

  3. One never knows what life has in store..
    GO for it Lee!

  4. Oh yes, we can travel vicariously through you to all sorts of exotic places, and you'll tell us about it and take pictures please.

  5. Dreaming is good...whether with one's eyes open or closed.

    Just make sure you fill your dreams...if only a few. :)

    Very pretty pic, btw.

  6. Traveling vicariously is such a delightfully inexpensive way to go. I second Shara's request for pictures and text - will send virtual writing supplies :)

  7. I can't wait for that time in my life! Keep on dreaming!

  8. carpe diem!

    wonderful painting, btw!

  9. i'm packing my virtual bags to join you and margaret vicariously on your trip. of your list, i've only been to france and spain. i imagine you've already been to venice, but if not... that should definitely be on the list. it won't be around forever. bon voyage!

  10. Go! Go while you can. And there is always the thought, sometimes your young come home again, to lick wounds or just recharge.
    Now my feet are really itching.

  11. If time opens a door to freedom to explore, walk through it!
    ...and when you are in France please come visit me, I'll put a couple of bottles of vintage aside, to celebrate your dreams!.

  12. Go for it Lee, you are only here once. Don't go into old age regretting the missed opportunity.
    Being a "Lawrence fan" your quote had an immediate affinity for me

  13. Happy trails, Lee!

  14. Love the ship!!
    Yippeee, Perth is on the list!

  15. Villa Bon Vent ( and a bottle or two of Coteaux du Layon grain noble await you.

  16. "non-Hodgkins lymphoma - happily treatable" yes treatable, but by no means a walk in the park.......My Mom has been treated for this form of cancer with both radiation and chemo and the treatments have left her with some terrible after affects. But what choice does a person have.

    You sound like you are in a traveling mode.....I thought a person was supposed to slow down when they retire? haha


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