Thursday, 1 January 2009

First of the year. Possibly the only one.


Sitting in bed, drinking coffee, doing The Age crossword, listening to light rain on the roof.


The new year off to a flying start.

Can it get any better than this?

Well, yes. The light rain could ratchet up to heavy rain for a while. Not a lot of chance of that, though.

But I got the crossword out. First time for a long time.

Perhaps I should stop while I'm ahead.


  1. Happy New Year!! I hope mine starts as nicely. Though there's not much hope of me getting the crossword done. They make me feel really stupid, so I have a tendency to avoid them. Why challenge myself on the first day of the year? It could set the tone and we wouldn't want that! ;)

  2. Now - are you doing it in ink or pencil????

  3. Coffee in bed, a good time to work! I'd prefer sunlight streaming into the room though; you can keep your rain.

  4. Diane: When I was very young my mum left me out in the rain and my mind warped. I've been trying to do cryptic crosswords ever since, with mixed success.

    Lady Jicky: Can't see the point in pencil. If I am not sure I just write lightly.

    Cosmo: Camelot is your place, is it? Rains only at night?

  5. Oh my gosh, I forgot you're already in the new year there! Happy New Year!

  6. Happy New year, Lee! I'll be asleep when it arrives stateside but that will just put me in good spirits when I greet the dawn :)

  7. I love to do the crossword with someone else...partner style. When an impossible puzzle comes, we just make up words that are funny and fit. I do love the feeling of completing one though. :)

  8. Happy New Year Lee! I love that you are content in your puzzle... that the sounds of the rain make you smile. I hope that at some point in my life I can find joy in the small wonders... Tonight... ok this morning (its 121am) I am finding joy in my warm bed and a snoring spouse! =]

  9. A contented man!

    Happy New Year, Lee!

  10. A lovely way to begin another year!

  11. OH - well done you! Coffee in bed ... only on my birthday I'm afraid! Still, I can live in hope...

  12. Never never in my life my mom allows me to have any edible thing in bed..and if I were to have coffee in bed that means I'm really unwell. Good that you got to do that crossword..I was crazy once, the prize was so high I wanted so much to win..but of course I didn't. And now too lazy.

    Funny on my Doing-Nothing Day, I went out to do some grocery shopping..we're out of food supply already after eating so much!

  13. In the army, with little to do (office bound) I got very good at the daily cryptic xword.
    50 years ago - I have never done once since!

  14. Here's wishing a wonderful year ahead to all Lee and all his friends and followers.

    Mine year started with one of the best night's sleep I've had for ages, and followed up with an invitation to supper with the son in my village and family, for our traditional "last of the turkey" meal: turkey and ham vol-au-vents, with rice and petits pois and masses of sauce. Not sensational, but everyone of the 10 of us, from 7 to 81, scraped their plate clean and went for seconds. Then we watched Shrek II on DVD, then I came home and watched Wallace and Gromit on TV. Cosy and soothing and reassuring.

  15. dont stop lee, for crying out LOUD dont stop. a happy and healthy '09 to you and yours.


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