Sunday, 23 August 2009

A one-use alarm clock.

This, or a version of it, was in the pre-Father's Day junk mail today.

Apparently, after you push the snooze button, it rolls away somewhere in the room and, once the snooze period is over, you have to get up to find it.

And then bounce it off the wall into the rubbish bin.


  1. Sometimes it seems to me that the human species may have hit the snooze button...

  2. But if you set it off in the right direction, perhaps you wouldn't hear it ringing in the compost heap...

  3. I dunno... I think it might work for me. I'm fine once I actually get OUT of bed... it's the getting out that causes me such grief!

  4. Beats the wind up alarm clock I used to have. I replaced the bells on top with ones from a phone. Quite often I dragged my self out of be to answer the phone, only to realize it was the alarm.

  5. Ha ha! I would find this extremely irritating. My husband, on the other hand, would have no trouble sleeping through it all!

  6. what idiot thought that we ought to be alarmed awake anyhow? how about rising light and celestial music. might make us all a little more cheerful in the morning ;)

  7. hey i could use one of those, i was late for work again today.

  8. My own favorite was a CD player that I would put a series of noises on with separations of ten minutes in between.
    The first, a trumpet paling the rise and shine song from the army.
    And, midway through it, a gunshot and silence.


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