I haven't been the most diligent of bloggers. Sorry.
Friday was the anniversary of Dad's death and, of course, the end of our travels. Had dinner with Mum last night, she copes. Gets ambushed occasionally but copes.
Tentative plans to finish our travels next July - Galapagos & Cuba.
Work goes on OK; still fun, still very much a challenge. Couldn't ask for more from the folk above me or below me.
The hybrid beast runs smoothly, no sports car by any stretch of the imagination, but I am not a sports car person.
Simon has a part-time job at Gloria Jeans, his first job.
Richard will be thrilled that Geelong beat Collingwood in the AFL (Australian Football League).
Martin & Roni continue with their married bliss; up in NSW for an engagement part this weekend, I believe.
Despite the low rains, the garden looks good. Planted climbing beans today.
I have been commissioned to make salmon omelettes for dinner.
That's it. Well, enough of it.