Thursday, 6 September 2007

The neighbourhood's gone to the birds.

The news of a free feed is spreading.

For the last few weeks we have had Rainbow Lorikeets visiting us.

This morning we had a couple of King Parrots.

When they are mature, the male has a red head. I think the one on the right is an unripe male.


  1. How wonderful! I'm envious of those beautiful birds on your feeder... ours seem so drab in comparison.

  2. It doesn't take long for the word/chirp to pass around, that's for sure.

    They are such lively, cheeky birds, the Rainbow Lorikeets...I love them, together with the magnificent King Parrots. We have many of there here to and they always brighten up my days.

  3. Your mother told me that you came from the seedier side of town.

  4. Those parrots are lovely. We have the Lorikeets occasionally. They used to come & mate on our old wooden pergola beams, but we replaced it with a metal one, & the dont visit now.

  5. Nice sight..the colourful birds. We don't have colourful birds here roaming freely..most are caged and was imported.

  6. wow! my cat would love 'em here! hahaha!

  7. i would never leave the house if i could see such pretty things!

  8. wow you get realy cool birds at yr. feeder over there.


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